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Welcome to our group Airgiggle: Where Compressed Air Gets Comical.! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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I often come across discussions about the extensive applications of AI in various fields. While I acknowledge its significant potential, especially in optimization and design, there are instances where a touch of a simple I remains crucial.

Take the case of Compressed Air Systems (#CAS), where seemingly simple factors like pressure drops can snowball into major issues, causing downtime and system inefficiency. Surprisingly, the root of such problems often lies in outdated formulas for tube diameter, perhaps borrowed from hydraulics decades ago.

Here's a spoiler alert: there's no one-size-fits-all formula for choosing tube diameter. It's an iterative process. Calculating the sonic conductance of a pipe isn't a walk in the park either, and yes, you need the sonic conductance of a component for accurate pressure drop calculations.

In collaboration with ARTEMA-organisation professionnelle des industriels de la Mécatronique, DIREKTIN Ltd.. has pioneered #EasyCas. It's the first software grounded in ISO standards…

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Happy to remind you that we have also a Youtube channel with interviews, workshops and some theory and practice of compressed air!

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An incredible experience for me to speak at the 23rd Interparlamentarian meeting organized by EUFORES on renewables and energy efficiency in the Swedish parliament.

My message on #compressedair is always about collaboration. Optimization of one component does not bring as many benefits as the full process and the supply chain, from components suppliers, machine manufacturers, and factory end users.

One of the questions that was discussed: was why machine builders do not try to reduce the energy consumption of their machines. Anyone has an idea?

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Happy to share my presentation at EUFORES on the importance of platforms for energy-efficient solutions.

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Elvira Rakova
October 11, 2023 · and joined Flow Measurement


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Welcome to our group Flow Measurement! A space for us to connect and share ideas about flow measurement (or even better flow, pressure and temperature measurement) with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

Elvira Rakova
Elvira Rakova
Oct 11, 2023

Great @Pascal van Putten! I have a question regarding temperature measurement. Since sensors motly are higly intertial. Are there technologies that allow ti have a precise temp measurement techcnique. I think we need to talk also to heat recovery specialists!

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